Friday, May 20, 2011

Save the Earth, Do This!

     Yay! Being green for the planet.

     Actually can I rant for a second? Because I recently found out this fact and have been dwelling on how incredible the whole thing is. CHICAGO DOESN'T RECYCLE. WTF.
     I totally do not understand at all. I mean there must be some sort of explanation. I could google it, but I think the lame excuse will be something that will make me even more frustrated. So we as a city are not saving our freakin' planet. We are helping it decay and that is horrible.

     Also since I'm already on my soap box, I will state my total belief in how theatre can save the world. Small, live theatre is so powerful and everyone needs to experience a powerful performance. It has to power to make you examine how you think about certain things, it brings together a community of artists, and it celebrates human emotion. It is a small step to improving our world, because as art evolves and positively grows it improves the lives of many.

   Throw your cigarette butts in the garbage, don't litter out your car window, and give those oberwise bottles back. It's the little things...


     I wish I had more time to read the book Invisible Man, but I guess that is how it goes. All of his little tales are super interesting but all sort of based around the same topic, which is sort of frustrating because I feel like we have focused on the particular race issue a ton this year. It was eye opening though because he writes about things that are events that have not happened in my life personally.
     But I think that we all have had times where we have felt slightly invisible or ignored. Whenever a breakup happens, it is because of a false understanding of the other person, making something invisible. Maybe this thing was invisible all along, but the sense that something was misunderstood conveys invisibility.
     I have felt invisible to my mother for a long time, but I think currently we are coming to a place that we can both see one another as real, whole people. Because this invisibility went both ways I suppose. There was constant judgement and manipulation that was occurring because past events were making the real person in the situation invisible to the memories. Messy stuff.
     I also have worked on this play for a while now where I had to dig into a character that is used to being invisible to men in every other aspect expect sexually. It has been a challenge to work on, and a tough emotional process to then meet a guy who actually wants to take the time to really get to know her.
     Invisibility sucks, but it can have its advantages...hopefully if it is unwanted invisibility there can be a greater revelation after the truth comes out into the open.

A Book To Read

     Right now I am reading a little book called Politics. It is the most entertaining thing that I have picked up in a long while...not one for the uncomfortable with sex talk though because let me tell you...
     I'll elaborate. The cover reads "Politics is a novel of sexual etiquette, the Queen Mother, premature ejaculation, the moral life of Milan Kundera, threesomes, the fetishes of dictators, blow jobs, Truffaut's Jules et Jim, breakups, Mandelstam's infidelity, selfishness, Bollywood, shopping & pink fluffy handcuffs."
     Too much? Maybe for some, but it is just a perfect summer read.

     The author writes in such a unique way; it is different than any other writing style I have encountered. HE IS HILARIOUS. He creates really awkward sex scenes and really interesting characters, and did I mention it's just fantastic? Could be awkward to read around the family, but perfect for your morning commutes. Or right before bed. Or in a class that you happen to be watching the little mermaid in. Or aloud to your innocent 15 year old sister. All these viable options that have worked for me.

     He writes such truth that many do not wish to recognize. It is a breath of fresh air. One of his characters is a dedicated actor, and that has been interesting for me to see his viewpoints and lessons along with his girlfriend, who really doesn't understand theatre. I will eat this book up. for sure. the end.