Friday, May 20, 2011


     I wish I had more time to read the book Invisible Man, but I guess that is how it goes. All of his little tales are super interesting but all sort of based around the same topic, which is sort of frustrating because I feel like we have focused on the particular race issue a ton this year. It was eye opening though because he writes about things that are events that have not happened in my life personally.
     But I think that we all have had times where we have felt slightly invisible or ignored. Whenever a breakup happens, it is because of a false understanding of the other person, making something invisible. Maybe this thing was invisible all along, but the sense that something was misunderstood conveys invisibility.
     I have felt invisible to my mother for a long time, but I think currently we are coming to a place that we can both see one another as real, whole people. Because this invisibility went both ways I suppose. There was constant judgement and manipulation that was occurring because past events were making the real person in the situation invisible to the memories. Messy stuff.
     I also have worked on this play for a while now where I had to dig into a character that is used to being invisible to men in every other aspect expect sexually. It has been a challenge to work on, and a tough emotional process to then meet a guy who actually wants to take the time to really get to know her.
     Invisibility sucks, but it can have its advantages...hopefully if it is unwanted invisibility there can be a greater revelation after the truth comes out into the open.

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