Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Unexamined Life Not Worth Living?

Ah, good old Socrates.  He always knew what he was talking about. He was the founding father of Philosophy for a reason people. 

Now when I first read the quote, I knew it sounded really familiar.  It sounded good in my ears and it read well on the page to me.  It was like a phrase that unlocked this door to a great memory of my childhood or something...I can't exactly put my finger on what that was but I smiled when it was referred to in class.  I even got that fill in the blank question right on our first quiz...

And for the record, I totally agree with the man.  We need to have an ongoing thought process about what we're all doing with our lives.  We should be examining, if you will, what we want.  Our wants are always changing and sometimes I gotta do whats right for me and only me.  I think when we take time to question things and dig deeper into reasoning why we do what we do, we do find more happiness eventually.  But believe me, sometimes the more you think about stuff, the more depressing it can get (like thinking about the boyfriend and I not going to the same school, I've been doing a lot of that lately..frowny face) but I also believe that you can tune your thoughts to the positive side and improve the situation, or at least get through it.

I actually stayed up at my camp (YMCA Camp PInewood..home away from home) for a whole extra week just because I desperately needed some me-time at the end of the summer.  After not having 5 minutes to yourself for a month because of constantly having to be with campers is anyway I chilled at camp when like only me and a few other year round staff were there and I thought.  That's what I did.  I thought about the summer and at first it was too much to handle.  It was so sad thinking about the mistakes I had made and what kind of person that made me.  But that time gave me the opportunity to sort things out and really reflect upon some of the shit I had been keeping at the back of my mind. 

So it was cool to have the quote directly relate to something that just happened... :)
Just don't stress yourself out when thinking about your life, because there are always gonna be questions that you'll never be able to answer.

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