Monday, February 21, 2011

X marks the spot

     The book is starting to get interesting...but when I first started the autobiography I was like 'this is just going to be another book about black oppression', and thats real dont get me wrong but I wasn't anticipating the true impact of X.  I still don't know the whole of his life, but I am definately intrigued and I know by the end of the book I will be well versed.  I did not know much about the man and I am glad that we are getting the opportunity to read about his life in detail.
     He led a difficult life when he was a child, and he seemed always to act way older than he really was.  Then he got caught up in the excitement, thrills, adrenaline of the hustler lifestyle and started turning his brain into mush with all the snow and reefers.  He had an invinsible mentality, and though that brought his name through the wire and intimidated others, it ultimately brought him to his long jail sentence.  Even though through it all he had a premoniton of 'walking on his coffin', he knew he was bound to get caught soon. 
     I admire his way of finding opportunity in his life, with unwanted circumstances, he makes his money by his wit, and part of that is really impressive.  I wish to emulate that aspect, using wit in your career path is respectable but schooling is also good.  But I dislike the way he uses people, especially Sophia and her sister to help him in his robbing. 
My guess is this will happen, especially because at the end of the chapter he talks about how Allah really transformed his life after the jail stint.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Album Track Review

     I will be reviewing the song I shall be Released by Bob Dylan. 

     The first couple chords to open the song are infamous to the Bob Dylan style; authentic acoustics that personally make me smile.  It opens it up to be a very soothing, toe-tappin tune.  It starts with simple plucking, then turns elaborate; makes me wish I took up the guitar.
     The harmonica gives the piece soul; there are wonderful interludes that involve the instrument throughout. I almost feel like I should be at a house in the country, under the starlit summer sky, on the front porch listening to an old friend play his guitar for me.  This song instantly gives me a comfortable feeling of a friend's embrace.
     'Anyday now, oh anyday now I shall be released'
     Dylan sings about his shining life and his encounters with others.  He references 'his light come shining from the west down to the east'...aka death but in a gospel-y, not too depressing way.  He sings of being released from this hell that we live in, to put it in more dramatic terms.  But he wrote this song when he went through a period of personal salvation; it was not meant to be any type of protest piece, even though the madia pegged it as so.  He lost fan base because of this media buzz, but regardless it is a moving song.
     The song is pretty simple and short in length but deep in meaning.  He's a classic in my book, and everyone should light a candle in their room and listen to an album or two of his...then we will find our callings in life. Hahah what a hippie, but that was an Almost Famous reference for ya.

They say ev’rything can be replaced
Yet ev’ry distance is not near
So I remember ev’ry face
Of ev’ry man who put me here
I see my light come shining
From the west unto the east
Any day now, any day now
I shall be released
They say ev’ry man needs protection
They say ev’ry man must fall
Yet I swear I see my reflection
Some place so high above this wall
I see my light come shining
From the west unto the east
Any day now, any day now
I shall be released
Standing next to me in this lonely crowd
Is a man who swears he’s not to blame
All day long I hear him shout so loud
Crying out that he was framed
I see my light come shining
From the west unto the east
Any day now, any day now
I shall be released

I Know This Means Something

   There must be something significant to write about since this was finals week.  My life has taken some exciting turns lately, and I'll catch ya up.  But it is interesting how things turned out, I am now super busy but that's how I've always been I suppose.
   I now have a job as a hostess at Basr Louie, and training to be a server soon.  It must mean something that I am moving up to the funner job with way better tips, so soon after landing the job in the first place.  It feels good to be placed in a job where the rest of the staff is super chill and wonderful, and they constantly work to make me better at what I'm doing. 
   I have a wonderful new boyfriend, which I was not initailly looking for.  It must mean something that things turned out like this...I guess they say love just sort of falls at your feet when you least expect it.  I'm lucky in that sense.
   With Company, we are doing this powerful show called Jugger's Rain and I am so pumped to be assistant director-ing alongside winks.  I am looking forward to expanding my theatre credibility through this opportunity, and God knows what He was doing when not casting me in the show, but instead giving me this other leadership role. 
   So things are super duper wonderful in my life currently, and usually that means that something is about to go horribly arye.  But my life was made to be this way right now, and when things arent looking so bright, that is the way it is.
   I'm dealing, and everything means something.