Thursday, October 7, 2010

God in 2010

     'Under God' is still in the pledge.  'In God we trust' is still on the dollar bill.  Lady Gaga even thanked God when accepting her many awards.  God is incorporated in our American culture, but I think it has become more of a convenience than actual strong rooted belief.
     Don't get me wrong, there are many Christians in our society today that are all gung-ho for God, but I think the majority of Americans fling the word God around like it is nothing.  Using the Lord's name in vain is so common nowadays, for example. 
     I also think that people now acknowledge God because they don't want to come off boastful.  They do not want to give all the credit to themselves and appear cocky, so they nonchalantly point to a 'higher being'.  We have lost the significance of a God in modern society for our selfishness...seems like we're losing the importance of various things for our selfish wants.
     God used to be so incredibly valued throughout history.  Like remember when people were being burned at the stake for not following the orders of their priests?  That was one extreme but I feel as if we are now approaching the other extreme.
     To further prove my point, there have recently been heated debates about taking God out of the pledge of allegiance.  Something that has been the same throughout history, I'll go as far as saying the backbone of our nation, was going to change because we are simply forgetting the intangible God.

1 comment:

  1. Couldntv'e said it better myself. Ridiculous the way God has become a fixture in pop culture where the meaning of anything can be distorted and/or lost.
