Saturday, October 16, 2010

Our Meaning

Humans purpose for their lives = to communicate and express themselves while finding ways to give their love...let me break it down for ya.

It is key to be able to say what you need to say...John Mayer would agree.  Throughout our lives, we need to learn the appropriate ways to communicate with all ages because these skills will serve their purpose...this purpose being getting what you want from effectively communicating. This process involves actively listening as well as speaking your mind.  We can always improve our communication skills. Another important part is knowing when to communicate and when is not the right time.

As many people would claim that they are so un-creative, I totally believe we were created to express ourselves.  Creativity comes in all sorts of ways through almost any activity, and we all need to find the things that we can preform in and let our inner selves out into the world.  It betters our health.

And love, well it's all we need, if it comes down to it.  Everyone needs someone to care about, and someone to inspire and motivate them.  We are so much happier when we are loving someone, and getting that same love in return.  The love we seek is the closest thing to perfect that we will ever experience in our lives on this earth, and with that I hope we all can experience these things.

Aw :)

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree about the communication aspect. Its the only way to leanr and grow from one another. :)
