Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A Direction the Class Needs

     Dear class- I'm off visiting college, have fun with this one.

     In my opinion, there are many things wrong with our current classes, material taught, etc...but at the same time in the United States we are very fortunate to be recieving such quality education.  So take into account, I say this with gratitude.
     I think about half of my teachers that I have had in the past have shown notable amounts of laziness.  At first, a student might say, thats great...less work for us.  But this is almost never the case.  The teachers don't care about really teaching their students, they are now just working for a dealine, meeting a chapter requirement.  I think students have stopped caring about actually learning and instead focusing on recieving a high letter grade because teachers have crammed more material into their lessons.  We are missing depth in our high school classes.  I want to come out of a class and actually feel like I learned something.  I want to do more assignments in class with the teacher there to answer my questions on brand new material that we're covering...not coming home to loads of homework that I do not fully understand because the material was crammed into a 45 minute class period. I want an end to busy work.  I want my teachers this year to cut some slack in the homework department so I can focus on getting myself into college.
     I believe that if we can cut the bullshit out of the classroom setting, students would be more apt to engage themselves in what is being taught.


1 comment:

  1. Mostly, I was looking for a commentary on Philosophy in Literature. But I agree that improvements need to be made...distractions isolated, removed, or ignored. Use the group work time to make the class worthwhile. I know that many of the ideas that come from our reading of the various works have a real life application.
