Sunday, December 5, 2010


     I think it all started when I was a wee tot playing soccer actually, where the soccer ball was bigger than the kid trying to kick it. That probably began my hatred for soccer, I hate playing the game because I'm quite bad at it and there is just too much running involved but love to watch it :)
     Then I had my softball phase. That lasted for a good chunk of my childhood, and I slowly moved from playing in the outfield and picking the dandelions to playing shortstop for the team. One year we even made it to the championships and got to play at Thillens. Exciting stuff. I remember my mom forcing me to go most of the time but when I got pretty good I was happy I took all those embarressing staged photos and long hot summer practices.
     While I was in softball I was also a little dancer. I eventually stopped the softball for dance. I did jazz, ballet, and was excited to be placed in the JR MOVE GROUP class.
     I participated in all intrumeral sports while in grade school, including cheerleading, basketball, and volleyball. These were all fun and games but at one basketball tournament I broke my finger, very tramatic stuff indeed.
     I played on traveling basketball for a couple of years there in grade school mostly because my tiny catholic school consisted of like twenty girls per grade so everyone played. I spent most of my time warming the bench. I was quite frustrated, I didn't understand how the coaches could have their starters picked for fifth grade basketball. I got sick of that and turned my attention to volleyball.
     Phew, I was quite the athlete wasn't I? Well I'm almost done...
     I focused on volleyball and built up my skills on playing usually right side hitter from 5th grade up until sophmore year. I miss volleyball alot, and occasionally I play with a beach league but I stopped playing for school to focus more on acting and because the team of girls worked quite horribly together.
     I love watching the cubs. I'll also turn on the Olympics. I support my friends and family who play sports. I like to make large annoying posters and attempt at screaming in the stands.

yay for WY basketball season startingggggg

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